Saturday, December 15, 2007

Biting hurts

Lawry bit me while nursing a few nights ago. He and I were so tired that neither really realized what had happened. It did hurt though. Today, he was sitting in my lap facing me. Usually, when he does this, he kind of paws at me and we talk. I was looking at Andrew and suddenly Lawry bit my breast. Funny, weird, and painful all at once. I hope that he isn't turning into one of those kids that bite everything, including other children. I have heard of these kids at daycares and in families. You have to watch out for them. After he bit me, I told him, "No, bite Mommy!" Other mothers have told me that when they did this, their baby starting crying. Luckily, Lawry did not. He sort of ignored me for a few minutes, and then all was right with the world again.

He can pretty much sit up on his own now too. Andrew and I usually sit behind him just in case he falls backwards. He will sit there and grab at things happily. His grandmother got him a "Build a Bear" teddy bear for Christmas. Lawry loves that thing. The "Build a Bear" experience was sort of bizarre. You pick an empty shell of a stuffed animal and pick its heart. It is then stuffed for you. You can pick out an array of clothing and accessories. We got the bear a TKD uniform with a black belt. Overall, though, it was more fun than I thought it would be. I could see why the children like it. Lawry certainly loves his teddy bear. Every time he sees it, he reaches for it and puts its head in his mouth.

I wrote the above paragraphs 12/15/07. For some reason, I did not post them at the time. I wanted to add more content or something philosophical. Silly really. Enjoy Lawry and his bear:

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